Home and Office Building May be Demolished For a Three-Story Self-Storage Facility in Bridgewater, NJ

A developer has applied to the township to construct a three-story self-storage building at the intersection of eastbound Route 22 and Route 28.

Bridgewater Storage LLC, of Teaneck, is proposing to demolish the buildings on the two lots on the 5.43-acre site to build the 120,570-square-foot self-storage facility.

The buildings on the site are an 8,000-square-foot vacant office building, a single-family home and Melick’s Towne Farm stand which fronts on Route 28.

Bridgewater Storage has bought the office building property for $725,000 and has a contract to buy the residential property.

The site has 960 feet of frontage on Route 22 and 900 feet along Route 28.

In 2015 Quick Chek proposed a convenience store and gas station on the site but dropped its plans in face of opposition from neighborhood residents.

The self-storage plan requires a use variance from the township Zoning Board of Adjustment because self-storage facilities are not permitted in the zone.

Last June the Zoning Board of Adjustment approved a plan to demolish an office building on westbound Route 22 by Vosseller Avenue to build a self-storage facility. No date has been scheduled before the township Zoning Board of Adjustment. The plan calls for 21 parking spaces and 60 drive-up units. The existing driveways on Route 28 would be closed.

The existing right-in right-out driveway from Route 22 would be slightly realigned, according to the plans. Customer access to the facility would be controlled by two keypad gates, one for entry and the other for exit.

A traffic study for the project concluded the redevelopment of the site “will not have a significant negative effect on traffic conditions” in the vicinity.


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