A New Self-Storage Facility Opening Soon in Avondale, AZ

Location: Southwest corner of Indian School and Osborn roads, directly south of a neighborhood that includes residents from both Avondale and Litchfield Park.

Description: Extra Space Storage is building a new 564-unit storage facility atop a 2.3-acre site that has been undeveloped for nearly 30 years. About 110,000 square feet of the facility will be used for storage space, while another 900 feet will go toward office space.

History: The Avondale City Council approved a conditional use permit for the project in 2021 after city staff and the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval. However, that permit expired after the development didn’t proceed within two years, so the company was required to apply for a new one.

A year ago last month, the Planning and Zoning Commission deadlocked in a 2-2 vote on whether to approve the new permit, which essentially meant it was denied. Extra Space Storage appealed the issue to city leaders, who unanimously approved the permit in August.

When will the work be done? According to Adam Baugh, an attorney with Whitney Morris Baugh, which represented Extra Space Storage, the project is expected to be completed by the end of June.


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