After discussion of a few details, McCordsville’s plan commission approved the primary plat for a self-storage unit and some office space at the plan commission meeting on Nov. 21.
Mike Surak with StorAmerica spoke at the plan committee meeting on the petition describing that the purpose would be to feature two lots on approximately seven acres located at the southeast corner of West Broadway and CR 750 N.
Lot 1, located to the back of the acres according to the primary plat, would be 6.04 acres. Surak said that the back lot would have the 91,000-square-foot self-storage units.
Lot 2 in the front is approximately 1.19 acres and would potentially be office and commercial retail spaces, which would allow some separation between the storage units and the road.
“We think that having the office with a retail suite component along 750 is really going to help break up and shield that intersection that is traveled more heavily,” Surak said.
Surak also said that while they don’t have a specific plan established yet when developing the front site, the broker who sold it told Surak that there was a retail developer interested, but Surak has not seen any offers yet.
Surak said at the meeting that they had presented the idea of the two lots to the board early this year/late last year and since then have had time to make some tweaks to come up with a better design to present.
The staff report on the request stated that they believed the plan was “laid out very well and uses the property efficiently.”
The staff report also stated that after analysis of the land use, the options are limited and with having multi-family uses to the south and southeast of the site, they determined that the self-storage was the most appropriate use.
Dr. Brian Burney from the plan commission board asked about storm water for the area, which it was discussed they were going to do underground detention. It was also brought to attention that the plans had not gone to the architectural committee, which is where there will be more discussion on materials used and permitted.
“I think it’s an appropriate use for this parcel. I do like the fact that you guys put in a two-story office retail space. It’s a need for the town and especially along with what will eventually be Main Street into our town center,” said Greg Brewer, town council president and plan commission member.
Brewer also said that since this was intentionally introduced he has not heard of any remonstrance.
Burney agreed with Brewer, saying he didn’t know what else would be put on this piece of land as far as zoning standpoint.
For the primary plat, they looked at the access, utilities and blocks and lots. Burney pointed out there was already all the utilities needed there, and they would not use gas for heat — all electric.
No comments were made for the public hearing and the primary plat was motioned and approved.